3 min

Stress Management, Emotions and Anxiety training workshop for Remote Teams

Updated: 3 days ago

Staying positive, calm and productive in challenging times

Due to the coronavirus outbreak, most talents are now working from home when permitted, leading to increased stress, anxiety and negative thinking. This online course is organised in real time and will assist your teams in being and staying positive and engaged to continue working with little to no impact on their efficiency and productivity.

Stress Management for Remote Teams Training Overview

Being part of a team that works from home is not always an easy task, especially when you are all used to work together in an office. To get positive results, you will need positive and engaged talents. This ‘Emotions, Anxiety & Stress Management for remote teams’ online training workshop will assist your talents in developing positive thinking patterns to fight anxiety and reduce their level of stress. This e-workshop will equip your talents with easy keys and techniques to organise their time and home office more effectively. Participants will identify and consider their needs to stay productive in challenging times. This session is designed to help talents consider opportunities and potential difficulties of remote work so they are able to design a plan that keeps them calm, positive, effective, engaged, and stress-free.

Stress Management for Remote Teams Course Content

  • Focus on your emotions, feelings and moods: self-assessment.

  • Describe the benefits and the traps of stress in your performance.

  • Recognise the signs and symptoms of stress and understand the long term effects of stress.

  • Identify your stressors focusing on internal and external factors.

  • Develop an action plan to reduce your stressors.

  • Receive hands-on organisational and time management techniques to effectively reduce your stress by implementing a routine.

  • Gain greater self-awareness of your thinking patterns to develop more self-control, self-discipline and self-confidence.

  • Get introduced to positive thinking, positive psychology, and optimism.

  • Understand the great power of negative thinking and its consequences and start controlling information overload.

  • Discover the cognitive distortions and understand their impact on your reality.

  • List effective ways and methods to overcome your personal cognitive distortions to banish negativity from your life and learn to turn negative disempowering thoughts to positive and empowering ones.

  • Learn the easy process to welcome (negative) emotions and manage them to avoid letting your emotions control you.

  • Shift the language you use and develop positive and unstressed communication habits.

  • Highlight self-sabotaging behaviours and suggest ways to overcome those behaviours.

  • Work on case studies and real-life scenarios: maintain a calm mental attitude during tough times and learn to easily handle stressful situations in peaceful ways.

  • Identify actions that can be taken at an individual, team, and organisation level to effectively reduce your level of stress and anxiety at work.

  • Develop your happiness initiatives by implementing easy steps and actions to boost your positivity.

  • Practice the fine art of meditation and deep breathing to reach serenity.

  • Highlight your learning keys and create a personal action plan.

Various resources: Debates, role-plays, case studies, real-life scenarios, games, exercises, photos, videos…

Online Workshop Designed for

This Emotions, Anxiety & Stress Management for Remote Teams online workshop will benefit all team members and leaders from a variety of backgrounds, industries and skill levels who wish to reduce their level of stress through effective stress management techniques. Participants will learn to overcome stress and anxiety by developing more positive thinking patterns. As we can’t have positive results with a negative state of mind, this interactive online workshop will highly elevate your remote teams’ spirit. This online training workshop in real time will be customised to address your organisation’s specific requirements, and will use an interactive approach designed to meet the learning styles of participants, regardless of their level or position within the organisation.

Training course for remote team pre-requisite

  • Motivation

  • Positive attitude

  • Smile