Why does employee engagement matter? It is essential for leaders to make their team members feel like they belong to the team and the broader organisation to improve the employee engagement survey results.

None of us is as smart as all of us.
Ken Blanchard
All progressive leaders realise the role an engaged and motivated team can play in manoeuvring successful business outcomes. Employees clearly play an indispensable role in any organisation, a much more important one indeed than any kind of process or technology. It is essential for leaders to exercise caution when dealing with their teams since small matters can derail and hit their productivity.
A good team leader encourages employee engagement
Good team leaders know the secret to keeping their teams happy and ensuring their best performance.
Great examples of this come from companies that make use of sustainable, unconventional methodologies of learning. From this, we can extract the following 6 key subjects that lead to maintaining and enhancing motivated teamwork.
Employee engagement comes with creating a sense of belonging
It is very important for leaders to make their team members feel like they belong to the team and contribute to the success of the organisation. To ensure that the individuals feel motivated, they must feel happy and part of the group for a greater purpose than simply their job role.
A great example comes from a concept defined as building a “connected heart”. According to this, “A connected heart is so important to help teams feel included, loved and mentored to stay together in the long run.” This concept states that good work environments are the ones that have fresh relationships between the team members to ensure that the atmosphere is breezy and going. This definition strongly emphasises the importance of ensuring that every member feels connected with others at the workplace in order to be happy and productive.

Making the team feel empowered helps employee engagement
Individuals perform best when they are allowed a certain degree of freedom. It can be an extremely obnoxious feeling for a team member to be micromanaged for all tasks right from start to end. Keeping that in mind, one must allow their employees some decision-making power as long as it is in sync with their role and scope of work. Responsible individuals are best motivated when they are recognised for their qualities and empowered with reasonable authority.
Develop employee engagement by offering growth opportunities
Many individuals join their organisations with the purpose and dream of achieving growth. Organisations that cater to this need are always fueled by a motivated team. It is said that engagement, continual learning, career progress and enabling growth environments help teams stay motivated.
As a leader, gain your employee's trust & confidence
For most individuals, motivation is dependent on a feeling of confidence about the leader and the organisation they work for. Good managers ensure that their team trusts them.
Hiring the right people to engage all employees
Besides managing people well, in order to harbour a motivated environment, an important area to get right is hiring. Recruiting the right mix of people in terms of skill and organisational fit ensures a smooth workflow for the entire team. A good way to successfully accomplish this is to hire for attitude and train for skills; meaning that soft skills are as important as hard technical skills. With the right attitude, team members are capable of accomplishing way more than team members with a poor attitude and great technical skills.
Maintain employee engagement by taking your team to the next level – Team building training
To boost the team’s energy, motivation and knowledge; exploring some team-building strategies and activities should be a continual process, embedded into your team and organisation's culture. Team development and team building are about providing the skills, training and resources that your people need so that they can work in harmony.
All these steps will encourage your team to move from a simple group of people working individually to pursue the same objective, to a team who works together to achieve common goals. Hence, a boss will also transition from being a manager or a boss to becoming a leader.
Strong as experts; stronger as a team of experts!
Chelsey Anne Correa & Maud Vanhoutte
Contact us today to discuss our employee engagement training programs and boost your employee engagement survey results.