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Influencing and negotiation skills
Develop more powerful influencing and negotiation skills
Your ability to influence your customers lies in your communication skills. To successfully influence people you need to effectively consider, connect, consult, communicate and commit.
Negotiation and Influence Workshop Outcomes
By the end of the training workshop participants will be able to:
Understand the psychology behind influencing and negotiation
Identify the core skills and competencies they need to develop powerful and ethical influencing and negotiation skills.
Learn to implement the right negotiation or influencing style based on people and situations.
Influence and Negotiation Course Outlines
Discover the art of influence, persuasion and the different influencing styles.
Study techniques to best understand your audience and interlocutors including the best practices to build instant rapport with prospects, customers and clients.
Develop effective communication skills to reduce misunderstandings and miscommunication using the art of questioning and clarification.
Learn how to develop partnerships with your customers and teach them to ‘help them help you’.
Understand the negotiation behaviours and styles in yourself and others and learn to implement the right style based on people and situations.
Revisit the most effective negotiation tools: the BATNA, ZOPA, and the FAB model.
Get ready to handle objections gracefully and non-defensively and know how to close a negotiation and gain commitment.
And so much more!
Various resources: video practice, real-life scenarios and role-play games, case studies, group exercises, debates and brainstorming sessions.
Course Designed For
This influencing and negotiation workshop will benefit all team members and leaders from a variety of backgrounds, industries and skill levels who wish to strengthen their game when influencing and negotiating. Participants will learn keys and techniques to better influence others.
This short training workshop will be customised to address your organisation’s specific requirements and will use an interactive approach designed to meet the learning styles of participants, regardless of their level or position within the organisation.