Last month, we introduced the basic concept of NLP via a first meta-program: specific and global frame of mind. Because you liked it and asked for more articles, we decided to tell you about another meta-program, the representation system. Indeed, NLP tools are much more complete and comprehensive than just global and specific frame of mind!
Another Meta-Program, the Representation System:
Have you ever wondered why there are some people that can easily read a text quietly and remember its content, whereas other people need to read it out loud to remember it? Well, NLP explains that!
When it comes to perceptions, NLP distinguishes 3 different types of learning styles: Visual, Auditory, and Kinaesthetic (VAK). Use our tool below to find out your own learning style. Note that after reading the different profiles you may identify yourself in more than one category, however, overall you will lean more towards a specific one.
The VAK Learning Styles

Have you found out your learning type yet? If you don’t recognise your perception canal yet, try to answer the following question:
When you are talking to someone which vocabulary type are you using?
“I see”, “It’s clear”, “Enlighten me”, “Show me”, “I’ve seen that” …
“I hear you”, “I’m listening”, “it sounds”, “Tell me”, “I’ve heard that” …
“I feel”, “I was touched”, “It affects me”, “Emotional”, “Sensitive”…
If you use a lot of words based on perception and vision, ‘I see’, then you a more likely to be a visual learner. If your vocabulary is mostly based around words linked to hearing, ‘It sounds like’, you possess more of the qualities common to the auditory learners. Finally, if you feel like neither of the above descriptions is corresponding, then you may be a kinaesthetic learner.
You may wonder what’s the point in knowing all that…
The aim of knowing your learning style is to understand how your brain works when it retains information. You might think that if you are not a student anymore there is not point in knowing that; however it is not exactly right. If you want to evolve and become the best version of yourself, you need to learn daily! Note that being aware of your learning style and your canal of perception assists you in highlighting some of your strengths as well as some elements that you could work on and improve.
Of course, everyone is unique and different but it is a fact that some habits and specificities are linked to a certain learning style.
The good news is that not only being able to determine learning styles is useful to learn about yourself, it is also an amazing solution to understand others better. NLP gives you the tools to adapt your communication style to improve your relationships.
Let’s imagine that you are a visual learner and you are talking to someone who is an auditory learner; your communication styles are pretty different!
A visual learner is going to speak really fast while using his hands a lot and using examples based on what he saw and on images. Whereas the auditory learner is going to speak at a slow pace, taking his time to think about what he is going to say. As a result the visual learner can get bored because the auditory learner is speaking too slowly for him, and vice versa; the auditory learner will be overwhelmed with the interaction because the visual learner will speak too fast, might be too agitated and might not always allow time to process the messages and meanings.
This is where the true power of NLP comes in. With this specific example, not only you get to understand your learning style and its impact, you also get to understand how others are communicating based on their learning style; which is pretty easy to spot! Understanding someone else’s learning style allows you to adapt your speech and behaviour to communicate more adequately and successfully.
It is a fact, 2 visual learners, 2 auditory learners or 2 kinaesthetic learners will be able to communicate more easily than a visual learner and an auditory learner or a kinaesthetic learner and a visual one... By learning NLP tools, you can adapt yourself and improve your relationships.
How great NLP is now? And it is only one tool and one application of it!
Another example of the application of the NLP tools is in advertising. If you want to catch everyone’s attention your add will need to be a bit specific and global.
It will also be important to target the auditory, visual and kinaesthetic perception canals…
Determining whether you are global, specific, visual, auditory, kinaesthetic…, is just a small part of NLP. There are a lot of different tools to help you improve your communication skills to develop yourself. This include tools such as feedback, active listening, body language…
Was this article too specific? Too global? Wish to know even more about NLP?
If you liked our two previous articles about it, feel free to let us know and we will continue the series of NLP articles. NLP tools have so much to offer to better your relationships, don’t pass on the occasion to learn more!
Do you want to know more about NLP and develop yourself now? Do you want to start your NLP journey? Enrol now for a NLP coaching program and become the best version of yourself!
Get in touch today!
Gwenaël Viel & Maud Vanhoutte
Contact us:
+61 (0)2 9569 6906
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