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Lunch and learn team building workshop for busy professionals

Lunch and learn team building for Lagardere AWPL talents

We had the pleasure to design and facilitate a Lunch and Learn training workshop for Lagardere AWPL talents: Personal presentation & first impression in the workplace.

This interactive and engaging training workshop was a great opportunity to discover how personal presentation & communication skills impact our personal and professional relationships while engaging in a nice team bonding activity.

Lunch and learn team building

What is a Lunch and Learn workshop or a Latte and Learn Training Workshop?

A Latte & Learn or a Lunch & Learn training session is a short training workshop for your team that is organised:

  • In the early morning: Latte and Learn

  • At lunchtime: Lunch and Learn

  • After working hours: Pub and Learn

New Reflections is well aware of the challenge of finding time for professional development and soft skills training, this is why we developed 100+ topics for our Latte and Learn and Lunch and Learn training solutions. We provide you with punctual actions as well as 6 and 12-month programs to follow your team on their personal and professional development journey.

Fun and short workshops: ideal team-building activities

Are your talents always in a rush? Do you think that your organisation could do better around social events to offer more team-building opportunities?

If your talents are like Lagardere AWPL’s, working in different departments with different missions and challenges, they do not always have the time and the opportunity to spend quality time together, and this is impacting your company’s culture. Developing your talents’ soft skills is 100% beneficial for your business and so are social events and activities to help your team members create stronger bonds and bridges across departments. This is where internal customer service can be developed. For Lagardere AWPL’s talents, our highly interactive and fun Lunch and Learn workshop was an excellent team-building opportunity. In addition to developing their communication knowledge and skills, participants enjoyed working and interacting with their colleagues from other teams and departments.

Lunch and learn soft skills workshops are the ideal learning solution for busy professionals

Our lunch and learn or latte and learn training workshops are the perfect solution to strengthen your teams’ soft skills without freezing your company’s activity for days of training. Because we understand how busy you are, we organise short training sessions to allow your team members to develop their skills and knowledge without spending days in the classroom. Thanks to short ongoing training courses, your team members will develop excellent soft skills in various areas: communication skills, leadership, emotional intelligence, customer service, workplace culture, presentation skills, time management…

Invite us once a quarter, every two months, monthly, or fortnightly to boost your talents' soft skills and morale.

Lagardere AWPL’s Lunch and Learn team building Workshop

Workshop outlines

The workshop was designed around three main topic points:

  • Getting the best from your first impression

  • Personal presentation at work: corporate styling

  • Introduction to body language as part of your communication skills

It was a fun and interactive workshop. Participants took part in unique activities and games while learning key communication skills. It was highly engaging and a great opportunity to develop stronger relationships across all departments.

Lunch and Learn Participants’ feedback

100% would recommend the presentation to others

100% would recommend Maud Vanhoutte as a facilitator

General feedback

“Very good, could definitely ‘walk the talk’” “Great content, very interactive” “Very helpful and informative” “Great content was delivered” “Great starting point to develop skills”

What they preferred

Role-play games

Interactive discussions with the presenter


Group exercises

Invite us for a lunch and learn session directly at your office

Would you like to organise a session for your talents? Contact us to schedule your training session. The delivery can be done online or in person.

About Lagardere AWPL

Lagardere AWPL is the Pacific region's largest and most passionate Travel Retail operator. With 150 stores in 26 airports, they hire 1500 + passionate people.

They are globally enabled through the backing of Lagardere Travel Retail and their passionate teams across Australia, New Zealand, and Noumea are empowered to execute locally for their customers and landlord partners.

Organising a Lunch and Learn team building session

We make it very easy for you to select and schedule a lunch and learn training workshop in 5 easy steps:

  • Select a topic (or a few)

  • Tell us more about your needs, expectations & motivations

  • Receive & review your custom-made program

  • Choose a date (or frequency) place & duration

  • Invite your talents and enjoy a powerful and interactive workshop

Popular topics for our lunch and learn sessions

We developed 100+ programs for our latte and learn and lunch and learn soft skills programs. Here are some of the most popular ones:

  • Communication skills and body language

  • Internal or external customer service

  • Listening skills

  • The art of small talk

  • Happiness at work

  • Introduction to emotional intelligence

  • Introduction to NLP

  • 1st Impression: increase your professional impact

  • The power of positive thinking: towards solutions

  • Self-confidence and assertiveness

  • Personal branding

  • Leadership & management units

  • Colour your life

Don’t wait any longer and contact us today to create your unique lunch and learn program for your team members. From a one-off session to regular workshops, we will create the perfect learning solution for your talents.

Visit our lunch and learn page and contact us to create your tailored lunch and learn program for your talents. Invite us for 1 workshop or an ongoing program with our consultants offering fortnightly or monthly interactive and engaging workshops.


New Reflections’ case studies help you understand how your favourite soft skills training centre works with different clients and organisations. Those reviews are made to showcase the creative ways we developed to bring professional development learning solutions to your talents. We do offer regular training workshops in classrooms, but we also go the extra mile when you are looking at new fun ways to bring professional development short courses to your teams. From training sessions in the park, soft skills amazing races, online programs, and lunch and learn short courses, we sure innovate to respond to your evolving workplace reality.

From our clients' needs to the solutions, we designed and the results we delivered, follow the successful journeys of our training participants.


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