Book a Lunch & Learn soft skills training session and assist your talents’ growth

Are you looking for the best short professional development training courses for your talents? Do you want to develop your employees’ soft skills but you struggle to find the time? Have you heard of Latte and Learn and Lunch and Learn training workshops?
Book a Learn & Lunch session training workshop with New Reflections and enjoy a fantastic team bonding opportunity while learning amazing soft skills to boost personal and professional growth.
The benefits of a Lunch and Learn workshop program
Does your team need to develop new soft skills to meet the demands of a changing business landscape? Do you struggle to find the time for full-day professional development training workshops?
How about trying a new and exciting format that is quick, time-efficient, and highly interactive? Not only it will be an opportunity to develop lines of communication between different departments, but it will also develop new bonds and relationships across teams. Best of all, you can do this over breakfast or lunch as a great social event at work; last but not least, we can organise the sessions online or in person!
Book a Learn & Lunch session and New Reflections will provide a fun and exciting environment for team members to get together and develop their people skills over lunch, breakfast, or coffee.
You can select from a variety of programs across personal and professional development: communication skills, leadership, team building, emotional intelligence, organisational culture, internal customer service, and much more. Select from 100+ topics available.
Book a Lunch and learn training workshop for your busy talents
Lunch and learn training workshops are perfect for busy professionals.
Traditional training workshops can take a significant time to organise. They can range from half a day to a few days, freezing the activity for your teams and adding to their level of stress. It can be difficult to organise such development opportunities and to get everyone in the same place for a long period.
The Latte or Lunch and Learn workshops are organised at a time when everyone is available and free to learn and develop their skills. The short format makes it easy to organise, including for busy professionals.
A heavy program is broken up into ‘little chunks’ and spread out across multiple short courses, providing an easier allocation of time, and facilitating fewer disruptions in the rearrangement of one’s work. The Lunch and Learn format also provides a less formal platform that encourages team interaction and development. Finally, it is the most effective organisation to offer great follow-up and continuous growth.
Lunch and learn training workshops are hands-on and practical
New Reflections understands the learning process, thus, the programs are organised around how we process, retain and enact the information. The brain can only process a certain amount of information at a time. With too much information presented at one time, it becomes difficult to retain all of it, with a lot of it falling by the wayside and forgotten only seconds after it has been heard. With that, important knowledge and skills are forgotten, hindering the development of your talents.
The Lunch and Learn and The Latte and Learn workshops are designed to overcome this concern. The programs are developed as ‘bite-sized’ workshops focusing on specific challenges, skills, and topics, with an emphasis on providing hands-on techniques and models.
Latte and Learn and Lunch and Learn programs typically run for 90 minutes. Breaking up long programs into ‘bite-sized chunks’, prevents participants from being overwhelmed with new knowledge and information; instead, it gives them the time to process, advance and work on their skills development between workshops.
Thanks to this organisation and model, you get greater results in the long run, producing superior outcomes for your team and organisation. Given time and patience, your talents can develop stronger lasting skills.

Book a Lunch and learn training workshop for small to large groups and teams
New Reflections appreciates how the environment we learn in affects our learning experience. The Latte/Lunch and Learn programs are designed for small groups, and will cater to larger groups around specific topics.
The size of the group will assist in creating an intimate and close-knit experience. This encourages greater interaction and communication between participants.
A key driving principle behind the Latte/Lunch and Learn programs is that the more participants that are willing to interact, the greater the results. Thus some programs are designed around a smaller environment as this makes individuals feel more secure and safe. With these feelings, participants are more likely to be significantly more involved in the development experience and facilitate greater interaction with their fellow team members. This enhances the team environment and culture as the training develops.
Book a Lunch and learn training workshop tailored to your needs
The Latte and Learn and the Lunch and Learn programs are designed to be adaptable and malleable. At New Reflections, we understand that we all have different times when we are more productive at work. While some of us are morning people, getting the best work done first thing in the day; others are more night owls and do better later in the day. The Lunch/ Latte/Pub and Learn programs can be modified to suit the strengths of the individuals and the team. We can even consider running Pub and Learn workshops after work hours if that best suits your organisation and talents.
Latte and Learn workshops are designed to be completed in the morning, when individuals have just got into their daily routine, catching them at their most eager and alert time. Book a Lunch & Learn program for the middle of the day and see how individuals are seeking interaction. Within a lunch environment, individuals feel more relaxed, happier, and comfortable when interacting with fellow team members. The program is designed to catch these feelings and use them to help team members’ development.
Are you looking for fun and interactive workshops to develop your talents? Are you looking for workshops that participants look forward to? Do you want soft skills training workshops providing an environment for team interaction, communication and bonding?
Then, book a Lunch and Learn, or a Latte and Learn program! New Reflections’ head office is in Sydney, Australia, however, we offer our short courses worldwide through online sessions.
New Reflections’ case studies help you understand how your favourite soft skills training centre works with different clients and organisations. Those reviews are made to showcase the creative ways we developed to bring professional development learning solutions to your talents. We do offer regular training workshops in classrooms, but we also go the extra mile when you are looking at new fun ways to bring professional development short courses to your teams. From training sessions in the park, soft skills amazing races, online programs, and lunch and learn short courses, we sure innovate to respond to your evolving workplace reality.
From our clients' needs to the solutions, we designed and the results we delivered, follow the successful journeys of our training participants.
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Click on a course below to learn more and take the next step in enhancing your teams' people skills: